Series (undefined)


Archetype-Blending Continuum (ABC) Theory for Design of Microstructured Materials


Prof. Wing Kam Liu


Northwestern University


Wednesday, February 22, 2012 at 11:00:00 AM   


MRDC Building, Room 4211


Yan Wang


This research presents a new formulation of the archetype-blending continuum theory that is able to introduce detailed mesostructural characteristics in all classes of heterogeneous and multicomponent materials by connecting generalized continuum theory, microstructural imaging, statistical and micromechanical methods in a single theoretical-cum-computational framework. The aim is designing macroscale engineering systems from the science deriving at the processing level of material constituents (archetypes) with compatible simulation techniques. We enumerate the core focus of the proposed theory. (1) Modular and bottom-up constitutive modeling strategy that enables modelers to separately focus on the multiscale modeling strategy of sub-structured material heterogeneities (sub-morphisms). (2) Blending algorithms that combine constitutive modules in a multi-component constitutive law, incorporating detailed mesostructural imaging, statistical quantification and micromechanical analyses (i.e. conformational complexity, or meso-morphism). (3) Unification, and mesostructural foundation, of the three field effects characterizing generalized continua: Sub-morphism, Conformational Complexity, Nonlocality, thus tracking the distribution of energy across each blend represented by a point in the dynamically equivalent simple body. Such an aim—predicting complex engineering system behavior via compatible simulations—is the foundation of multiscale and multicomponent modeling within computational engineering and science so that complex system behavior may be reliably predicted across a spectrum of length and time scales.


Dr. Wing Kam Liu is the Walter P. Murphy Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University, Founding Director of the NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and Materials, Founding Chairman of the prestigious ASME NanoEngineering Council, and Co-Founding Director of the Northwestern University Predictive Science and Engineering Design Program, received his B.S. from the University of Illinois at Chicago; his M.S. and Ph.D. from Caltech. He is a world leader in multiscale simulation-based engineering and science and has applied a spectrum of atomistic, quantum, and continuum strategies towards the understanding and design of nano-materials, biological processes, and recently the use of organic and inorganic materials for drug delivery device, bio-sensing, and other diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The impact of his research is attested by the large number of citations (11,000 according to Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) with an H-factor of 53; 18,000 according to Google with an H-factor of 65). In 2001, he was cited by the ISI as “one of the most highly cited, influential researchers in Engineering, and an original member highly cited researchers database”. Selected honors include the 2009 ASME Dedicated Service Award, the Robert Henry Thurston Lecture Award, the Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award, the Dedicated Service Award, the Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal and the Melville Medal (all from ASME); the John von Neumann Medal and the Computational Structural Mechanics Award from the US Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM); and the Computational Mechanics Awards of the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM) and the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers. Liu chaired the ASME Applied Mechanics Division and is a past president of USACM. He has been the editor of four International Journals and a consultant for more than 20 organizations. Liu has written three books; the Meshfree Particle Methods book sets the standard in the field, the Finite element book becomes a classic, and the Nano Mechanics and Materials book received a very favorable review by Nanotoday (Nov, 2006). Liu is a Fellow of ASME, ASCE, USACM, AAM, and IACM.


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