Mechanical Engineering Seminar


Cryogenic Engineering and some cryocoolers


Prof. Sangkwon Jeong


Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) - Kusung Dong, Yusung Ku, Republic of Korea


Monday, March 30, 2020 at 11:00:00 AM   


MRDC Building, Room 4211


Drs. Satish Kumar and Mostafa Ghiaasiaan,


Cryogenics originates from the Greek word CRYO, which means - cold, and the word GEN, which means generate in English. Nowadays, cryogenics includes all phenomena occurring below approximately -150 °C or 120 K, much lower temperature than what we can experience on earth. There is evident reason for treating cryogenics as a special field even though it is different from other fields just in terms of temperature. The physical properties of materials at very low temperature differ so dramatically from those usually encountered that people cannot just deduce the peculiar characteristics of cryogenics from their general intuition. Cryogenic engineering is a technology that treats unusual phenomena at low temperature, covering not only physics but also chemistry, biology, mechanics, etc. This talk will introduce several interesting applications of cryogenic engineering that are categorized as superconducting technology, gas separation & liquefaction, and medical applications. They are sometimes invisibly incorporated already in our modern society because various refrigeration techniques have been developed to create such low temperature. Some cryocooler technologies are to be discussed during this talk to show how such low temperature have been efficiently obtained in the cryogenic engineering laboratory of KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology).


Dr. Sangkwon Jeong is a full professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He obtained his bachelor’s degree in 1985 and Master's degree in 1987, both from Seoul National University in South Korea. He earned his Ph.D. degree from MIT in 1992. All the degrees are in Mechanical Engineering. After that, he worked at the Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory at MIT and the Plasma Fusion Center at MIT as a research engineer until he returned South Korea and joined KAIST in 1996. Dr. Jeong's research interests include Cryogenics, cryocooler design, applied superconductivity system, refrigeration, etc. He started the Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory (CEL) of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1996 and has launched many students into successful careers in the cryogenics field. He serves as the Associate Editor for the Cryogenics journal and the Series editor of the International Cryogenics Monograph Series by Springer.


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