GT Courtesy Listing


Tackling Fluid-Structure Interactions in Unsteady Complex Flows


Dr. Kourosh Shoele


Tallahassee, FL


Monday, February 27, 2023 at 11:00:00 AM   


MRDC Building, Room 4211


Dr. Ari Glezer


Structures in contact with fluid flow are inevitably subject to flow-induced forces and flow-induced vibration. The common term fluid-structure interaction refers to problems where a flow field affects the position, orientation, and/or shape of the solid, and, correspondingly, the structure modifies the flow. In this talk, we will review our research on tackling the interaction between fluid and structure as a fundamental step in understanding the underlying processes of many engineering problems, such as energy harvesting, aerodynamic flutter, biolocomotion and biomechanics. I review the common causes behind apparently diverse unsteady responses of many systems wherein the fluid-structure interaction and interfacial dynamics play key roles. Then, we focus on representative problems of morphing wings and smart electromechanical structures. Future morphing intelligent air vehicles should be equipped with flow actuators and morphing capabilities to continuously adapt during unsteady flight conditions and retain their aerodynamic performance. We will examine the dominant modes of fluid-structure interaction in morphing airfoil-flap systems and discuss the use of embedded geometrical mapping for analyzing morphing bodies and formulating a fast model-based flow active control technique for shape-changing systems. In the second part of the talk, we discuss fluid interaction with electromechanical structures and see how by smart modifications of the electrical and mechanical time scales of piezoelectric surfaces, it is possible to adjust their fluttering response and attain superior performance. We will analyze directions to develop new devices for applications such as structural health monitoring, energy harvesting, and flow control.


Dr. Kourosh Shoele is Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Florida State University. He was a research scientist in Mechanical Engineering and the Institute of Computational Biology at Johns Hopkins University. He received his doctoral degree from the University of California San Diego and his MS degree from the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran. His research interests include fluid-structure interaction, multiphase fluid dynamics, aeroelasticity, bioinspired robotic systems, model reduction and unsteady vortex dynamics. His research explains the role the fluid and solid interaction plays in improving or hindering the performance of aerospace structures like airfoils, skin panels, animal locomotion, trees, and energy systems. He studies the physics of multiphase systems such as cryogenic storage tanks and explores novel data-driven techniques to develop reduced-order models for multiphysics problems. He is the recipient of multiple awards, including NSF Career Award in Fluid Dynamics and DARPA Young Faculty Award. He is the recipient of the DARPA YFA-director fellowship and Florida State University COE Rising Star Faculty Award. He has authored and co-authored 45 peer-reviewed journal articles and over 44 refereed conference papers on multidisciplinary topics. His research has been sponsored by NSF, DARPA, NASA, DOE, ONR, ARO, AFOSR and multiple national labs and private companies.


Refreshments will be served.