SUBJECT: Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
BY: Kuan-Ming Li
TIME: Monday, April 10, 2006, 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: MARC Building, 114
TITLE: Predictive Modeling of Near Dry Machining
COMMITTEE: Dr. Steven Liang, Chair (ME)
Dr. Shreyes Melkote (ME)
Dr. Min Zhou (ME)
Dr. Chen Zhou (ISyE)
Dr. Roshan Joseph Vengazhiyil (ISyE)


The objective of this study is to develop a methodology to analyze the air quality and tool performance in turning process under near-dry condition. Near dry machining refers to the use of a very small amount of cutting fluid in the machining process. It was addressed in mid-1990s in order to reduce the machining cost, to alleviate the environment impact, and to improve the product surface quality. Although previous research showed near dry machining could be an alternative technology to dry and flood-cooled machining, those studies were restricted to qualitative experimental results. In order to implement the near dry machining technology, this dissertation develops the analytical models for both tool life and aerosol generation prediction. This research includes predictive models of cutting temperatures, cutting forces, tool wear progressions, and aerosol generation. The comparison of air quality and tool performance among dry machining process, near dry machining process, and flood cooling machining process is also presented. After the physical behaviors in near dry turning are understood, it is possible to calculate the tool life and aerosol generation with given material properties and cutting conditions. The results of this research can support the future exploration of dimensional accuracy and cutting condition optimization.