SUBJECT: Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
BY: Andrew Castillo
TIME: Friday, April 24, 2020, 3:00 p.m.
TITLE: Acceleration in Materials Innovation through the Development of a Framework for the Fusion of Experiments and Simulations at Multiple Length Scales
COMMITTEE: Dr. Surya Kalidindi, Chair (ME)
Dr. Roshan Joseph (ISYE)
Dr. Shreyes Melkote (ME)
Dr. David McDowell (ME)
Dr. Hamid Garmestani (MSE)


This thesis is focused on establishing and demonstrating a statistical framework for the objective fusion of data acquired from multiscale experiments and multiscale models performed to understand and predict the intrinsic material behavior. What makes this difficult is that the experimental data often provides information only on derived quantities from the material response (only these can be measured at present) and not directly the parameters present in the physics-based multiscale materials constitutive models. Consequently, one has to use sophisticated statistical theories to estimate the values of the critically needed material parameters and quantify rigorously the implicit uncertainty in this quantification. A mathematical framework that addresses this gap and its unique capabilities are demonstrated through the extraction of single crystal elastic-plastic constants for thermodynamic phases present in the microstructure of a metallic alloy and the extraction of laminate level properties for multi-laminate composite system. Meeting URL: