SUBJECT: Ph.D. Proposal Presentation
BY: Harnjoo Kim
TIME: Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: MRDC Building, 3515
TITLE: High Fidelity Projection Two-Photon Lithography for Rapid Nanoscale Additive Manufacturing
COMMITTEE: Dr. Sourabh K. Saha, Chair (ME)
Dr. H. Jerry Qi (ME)
Dr. Carolyn C. Seepersad (ME)
Dr. Billyde Brown (ME)
Dr. Chuck Zhang (ISYE)


Two-photon lithography (TPL) is an additive manufacturing technique that can fabricate complex three-dimensional (3D) microscale structures with nanoscale features. The projection two-photon lithography (P-TPL) technique massively increases the rate of printing by three orders of magnitude. Although this increase in rate would immensely benefit the mass production of devices, it is difficult to generate high-quality 3D structures due to geometrical inaccuracies and defects. These limitations in the projection method come from: (1) non-uniform light intensity distribution resulting in non-uniform solid structures, (2) over-polymerization at high feature density area (proximity effects), and (3) diminished throughput with the implementation of methods that print uniform and feature dense structures. The goal of my Ph.D. research is to generate new scientific knowledge in controlling the projection techniques in P-TPL and use the knowledge to overcome the geometrical errors in 3D printing. This research will allow achieving high quality high throughput prints in TPL applications in micro-optics, micro-electro-mechanical devices, semiconductors, biotechnology, mechanical/ optical metamaterials, and micro fluidics.