SUBJECT: M.S. Thesis Presentation
BY: Stephen Malone
TIME: Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: MRDC Building, 4404
TITLE: A Systems-Based Approach for Sustainable Steel Manufacturing
COMMITTEE: Dr. Bert Bras, Chair (ME)
Dr. Julie Linsey (ME)
Dr. Marc Weissburg (BIO)


China is by far the largest manufacturer of crude steel, producing over half of worldwide demand. Due to this, improvements to the Chinese steel industry can have far-ranging international benefits by decreasing its environmental impact. The focus of this thesis is on developing innovative systems-based solutions at different scales to help alleviate this burden. This is first accomplished by developing system-based technology solutions at the plant scale to increase water, energy and material efficiencies. Next, at a higher level, the focus transitions to transforming Chinese steel manufacturing plants into eco-industrial parks by means of industrial symbiosis with other companies and assessing the associated ecological metrics. This multi-scale approach in the pursuit of sustainable steel manufacturing is unique in that it has not been attempted before and is not well understood.