Link to join virtually: Neural feedback pathways arise from a variety of sensory receptors. The firing of muscle spindles is nonlinearly related to length and velocity, while Golgi tendon organs measure active contractile force. While most length and velocity-dependent pathways are relatively localized, some are inter-joint. Force feedback can be widely distributed and asymmetric between a given muscle pair. Proportional coordination, or equal joint angle excursions, between the knee and ankle has been observed in cats over many tasks and conditions despite differences in impedance between limb segments. Therefore, our central hypothesis is that inter-joint length, velocity, and force feedback modulate limb impedance according to the task and condition and regulate inter-joint coordination. Our research will employ a computational frequency response analysis and empirical approach to test this hypothesis. Understanding the role of inter-joint sensory feedback in regulating limb mechanics will inform therapeutic and rehabilitation techniques for stroke and Spinal Cord Injury patients.